Illustration: C. bignonioides.]
1. =Catalpa bignonioides=, Walt. (INDIAN BEAN. SOUTHERN CATALPA.) The
large heart-shaped leaf has connected scaly glands in the axils of the
large veins on the lower side; usually entire though sometimes
angulated, generally opposite though sometimes in whorls of threes, very
downy beneath when young, 6 to 12 in. long. Flowers much spotted with
yellow and purple, and with the lower lobe entire. Pod thin, 10 in. or
more in length. A medium-sized, wide-spreading tree, 20 to 40 ft. high,
of rapid growth, with soft, light wood and thin bark; wild in the
Southern States, and extensively cultivated as far north as Albany.
[Illustration: C. speciosa.]
2. =Catalpa speciosa=, Warder. (INDIAN BEAN. WESTERN CATALPA.) Leaves
large (5 to 12 in. long), heart-shaped, long-pointed. Flowers 2 in.
long, nearly white, faintly spotted, the lower lobes somewhat notched.
Pod thick. A large, tall tree, 40 to 60 ft. high, with thick bark; wild
in low, rich woodlands, southern Indiana, south and west.
[Illustration: C. Kaempferi.]
=Catalpa Kaempferi= and =Catalpa Bungei= are dwarf forms from Japan,
the latter growing to the height of from 4 to 8 ft., and the former
rarely reaching the height of 18 ft. The leaf of C. Kaempferi is
figured. It is more apt to have its margin angulated, though all the
species occasionally have angulated leaves.
Herbs, shrubs, rarely small trees, with opposite leaves, irregular
flowers and dry 2- to 4-celled fruits.
Shrubby trees or climbing shrubs with opposite or whorled, usually
entire leaves; flowers with an almost regular, 5-parted corolla
surrounded by a bell-shaped calyx; fruit drupe-like, with 4 seeds.
[Illustration: C. trichotomum.]
=Clerodendron trichotomum=, Thunb. (FATE-TREE.) Leaves opposite,
long-petioled, cordate, thin, entire, glandular-dotted above, very
veiny; lower leaves largest and three-lobed, the upper ovate,
long-pointed, all 3-ribbed. Flowers in large, terminal clusters; fruit
with juicy pulp covering the 4 seeds. A small tree from Japan; hardy at
Washington and south. The figure represents one of the upper leaves.
Shrubs or low trees with opposite, usually palmate leaves, panicled
clusters of flowers and drupe-like fruit.
[Illustration: V. Agnus-castus.]
=Vitex Agnus-castus, L.= (CHASTE-TREE.) Leaves long-petioled, palmate,
with 5 to 7 lanceolate, a