AGE: Mr. President, I move that the report of this Nominating
Committee be accepted and adopted, and these officers declared elected.
THE PRESIDENT: Do I hear a second?
A MEMBER: Second the motion.
THE PRESIDENT: The nomination of this list is moved and seconded. Is
there any discussion? If not, all those in favor will say "aye;"
opposed, like sign, it is carried, and they are elected.
MR. LITTLEPAGE: While I am on the floor, I want to read a resolution
which I have drafted, and I will read the clauses separately:
"Owing to the fatal character, the unchecked and rapid spread of the
chestnut blight," is there any question about that? If that is not true,
let somebody hold up his hand.
"Owing to the fact that it has been widely disseminated through the
shipment of nursery stock;" is that correct?
"Owing to the fact that in the first stages the disease cannot be easily
detected;" is that true?
"Owing to the fact that the young trees apparently have a temporary
immunity from the disease;"
"Therefore, the Northern Nut Growers' Association believes that the
continued free shipment of chestnut nursery stock will be productive of
endless destruction of property in those places where the chestnut trees
haven't yet the disease." If that is unsound, why, somebody say so.
"Therefore, be it resolved, that we, the Northern Nut Growers'
Association, suggest that the Secretary of Agriculture prohibit the
shipment of chestnut nursery stock, except in the localities known to
have the blight, and that with each permit for shipment shall go a
bulletin or circular giving the important facts about the chestnut
blight. The only exception to this regulation shall be the shipments for
experimental purposes, and such shipments must have the above mentioned
permit, and the name of the nursery from which such trees have come, and
must be inspected by Federal inspectors." I assume, of course, that
inspection is a general inspection. I don't mean each particular
shipment. If there are any questions about that, why, I will let the
chair answer them.
DR. ULMAN: Mr. Littlepage, I would like to ask a question, or, rather,
offer a criticism. If I understand you rightly, you say, "except in the
districts where blight is prevalent." As a matter of fact, sir, the
particular nursery that advertises the chestnut tree works within a
radius of possibly 250 miles of Rochester, in a district where there are
many prospective horticulturists