s. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: My dear sir, that will cost you twenty dollars for a life
membership. (Laughter.)
MR. KYNER: And I want to get all the information that the Association
has. Now, if I can get it in fifteen or twenty minutes, why, let me have
it. (Laughter.) I bought Persian walnuts at a nursery, cultivated them,
and watched them, walked around them and looked at them, and along came
a winter and killed them. I bought them from a Rochester nursery. Now,
they didn't grow them there. They must have grown them somewhere else.
If they had been grown in a Rochester nursery they would have withstood
the severity of a Maryland winter. Now, there is something wrong there.
This Association should take this matter up with that nursery. They
should not be allowed to take people's money and give them chaff for it.
I am saying this for the benefit of some of our members here who are
growing nut trees for sale.
THE PRESIDENT: May I give you a bit of information here? We have a list
of accredited nurserymen. This Association has a list of nurserymen in
whose trees we think we can place more confidence than in some others.
MR. KYNER: I would like to get that. But now I have set out a whole lot
of these Persian walnuts, and pecans, filberts, Japanese walnuts, etc.,
and I guess every one of them is a seedling, and I don't know what I
have, and I don't know how many varieties of Japanese walnuts there are.
I supposed a Japanese walnut was a Japanese walnut, and that that was
all there was to it. But I get some trees from one nursery, and some
from another, and they grow up and aren't alike at all. Now, I haven't
so very awfully long to be in the business of setting out nut growing
trees, and I want to get the right kind, and I want this Association's
assistance in that matter, and while you are assisting me you are
assisting people all over the country. Men and women everywhere are
interested in nut growing. They want nut trees, but how are they going
to know that they are getting what they want? I believe it is up to this
Association to help them get the right kind of stuff. I came in here
purposely to get your help.
THE PRESIDENT: You go on the excursion this afternoon and you will find
plenty of men there that will take pleasure in explaining some of these
things to you. Our plan is to go at one o'clock from the corner of
Fourteenth and H streets to the grounds of Mr. Littlepage, who has
practically all the good v