iary_, 2nd edition.
Rawlinson's _Herodotus_.
Herrick's _Hesperides_.
Holland's _Heroeologia_, 1620.
Homer, by Chapman.
# But better in the original.
Hone's Popular Works.
# An original copy.
Horace, _Satires and Epistles_, by Keightley.
_Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis._
# A printed edition for the engravings.
James Howell's _Letters_.
Howells' _Italian Journeys_.
Howells' _Venetian Life_.
_Hundred Merry Tales_, 1526.
Hunter's _New Illustrations of Shakespeare_.
Hunter's _Historical Tracts_.
Hunter's _Account of New Plymouth_, 2nd edition.
Irving's _Scotish Poetry_.
Johnson's _Lives of the Poets_.
Johnson's _Rasselas_.
# For the sake of its story, not of the book.
_Junius, Letters of._
Keightley's _Mythology of Greece and Italy_.
# Some of the matter anticipated
by Sir T. Browne in his _Vulgar Errors_.
Keightley's Histories of Greece, Rome, and England (last editions).
Knox's _Ornithological Rambles in Sussex_.
Lamb's _Elia_.
Lamb's _Letters_.
Lamb's _Adventures of Ulysses_.
Lamb's _Rosamund Gray_.
Langland's _Piers Ploughman_.
Latimer's _Sermons_.
_Lazarillo de Tormes_, in English.
Le Houx, _Vaux de Vire_, in French.
Leland's _Itinerary_ and _Collectanea_, 1770.
Le Sage's _Gil Blas_, IN FRENCH.
Lord Lindsay's _Lives of the Lindsays_.
# See that passage where the
opinion of James, Earl of Balcarres,
is quoted in regard to the
duty of men to leave behind them
some trace or record of their
mind. Edit. 1849.
Lockhart's _Life of Scott_.
Lodge's _Portraits_.
# An early edition.
Lovelace's _Poems_.
Lucas, _Studies in Nidderdale_.
Lysons, _Magna Britannia_, 6 vols.
Lysons, _Environs of London_, 2nd edition.
Malory's _Morte Arthur_.
Montaigne's _Essays_, IN FRENCH.
Morris's Works on Birds, Birds' Eggs, &c.
Nuernberg Chronicle, 1493.
# The Latin text. As a very early picture-book.
Olaus Magnus.
# Original Latin, with the woodcuts.
# Partly as in all appearance
a favourite in some shape with our Shakespeare.
_Paston Letters._
Pennant's _Tours in Wales and Scotland_, and _Journey to London_.
# On account of their personality. You know that much is
obsolete, and other men have improved
on them; but there is somehow the same charm.
Pepys's _Diary_, by Wheatley.
Percy's _Reliques_.
Phillips's _English Dictionary_.
Photii _Bibliotheca_.
Plato's _Dialogues_.
# Perhaps the French version by Cousin i