ng and palatable, and the taste of the egg cannot be detected.
_107 calories_
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tbs. sugar
Whites of 2 eggs
Cut as directed for Albuminized Orangeade. Mix until sugar is
dissolved. Pour over a glassful of cracked ice. Fill glass with plain
or carbonated water.
_151 calories_
2 oz. (1/4 cup) grated pineapple
8 oz. (1 cup) cold water, or sufficient quantity carbonated water
to fill glass
Juice of 1 lemon
1 drop of lemon extract or a little of the peel, grated
1 tbs. sugar
Mix lemon juice, water, and pineapple together; add sugar, if not
sweet enough, but the less used the better, in all beverages. Add
extract and pour into a shaker with a few lumps of ice. Shake well to
mix ingredients and pour the pineapple over crushed ice. If this
proves too much at a time, make half the recipe. Serve in tall thin
glasses holding from 4 to 6 ounces after the ice is put in, or serve
in punch glasses with small spoons.
Albuminized Grape Juice is made without the addition of lemon juice
unless the white grape juice is substituted for the black, in which
case add one or two teaspoonfuls to relieve the flat taste and proceed
as in Albuminized Orangeade, using 3 oz. of grape juice.
_57 calories_
1 egg
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. lemon juice
Several sprigs of fresh spearmint
Whip white of egg; add sugar and lemon juice. Crush lower parts of
mint leaves slightly and place in glass. Pour mixture over ice in
glass; stir well and serve at once.
Fill glass with carbonated water, Vichy, White Rock, Apollinaris, etc.
This is especially good when patient suffers from nausea.
_232 calories_
1 egg white
2 tsp. sugar
3 oz. (6 tbs.) cream
A few drops of vanilla extract
Celestine (French) Vichy to fill glass
Whip egg white to stiff froth; whip cream stiff and sweeten, add
vanilla; lastly, the egg. Pour over cracked ice and fill up the glass
with Vichy.
2 tbs. ground coffee
2 tsp. white of egg
1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup cold (boiled) water
Mix coffee with 1 tablespoonful of cold water and egg white in small
pot (after scalding pot), add boiling water; allow to boil 3 minutes;
stir down and add cold water; set pot where coffee will stay hot, but
not boil, for 10 to 15 minutes, serve with cream and sugar or use to
flavor ho