TRUE: Yes, and are very sober, grave persons, that will dispatch
it in a chamber, with a whisper or two.
MOR: Good sir, shall I hope this benefit from you, and trust myself
into your hands?
TRUE: Alas, sir! your nephew and I have been ashamed and oft-times
mad, since you went, to think how you are abused. Go in, good sir,
and lock yourself up till we call you; we'll tell you more anon,
MOR: Do your pleasure with me gentlemen; I believe in you: and that
deserves no delusion.
TRUE: You shall find none, sir: but heap'd, heap'd plenty of
DAUP: What wilt thou do now, Wit?
TRUE: Recover me hither Otter and the barber, if you can, by any
means, presently.
DAUP: Why? to what purpose?
TRUE: O, I'll make the deepest divine, and gravest lawyer, out
of them two for him--
DAUP: Thou canst not, man; these are waking dreams.
TRUE: Do not fear me. Clap but a civil gown with a welt on the
one; and a canonical cloak with sleeves on the other: and give
them a few terms in their mouths, if there come not forth as able
a doctor, and complete a parson, for this turn, as may be wish'd,
trust not my election: and, I hope, without wronging the dignity
of either profession, since they are but persons put on, and for
mirth's sake, to torment him. The barber smatters Latin, I
DAUP: Yes, and Otter too.
TRUE: Well then, if I make them not wrangle out this case to his
no comfort, let me be thought a Jack Daw or La-Foole or anything
worse. Go you to your ladies, but first send for them.
DAUP: I will.
ACT 5.
SCENE 5.1.
LA-F: Where had you our swords, master Clerimont?
CLER: Why, Dauphine took them from the madman.
LA-F: And he took them from our boys, I warrant you.
CLER: Very like, sir.
LA-F: Thank you, good master Clerimont. Sir John Daw and I are
both beholden to you.
CLER: Would I knew how to make you so, gentlemen!
DAW: Sir Amorous and I are your servants, sir.
MAV: Gentlemen, have any of you a pen and ink? I would fain write
out a riddle in Italian, for sir Dauphine, to translate.
CLER: Not I, in troth lady; I am no scrivener.
DAW: I can furnish you, I think, lady.