ndre & paye agayn/ and also hit is said in
reproche/ whan I leue I am thy frend/ & whan I axe I am thy enemye/ as
wo saith/ god at the lenynge/ & the deuyll at rendrynge/ And seneque
sayth in his au[*c]torites/ that they y't gladly borowe/ ought gladly to
paye/ and ought to surmonte in corage to loue hem the better be cause
they leue hem & ayde hem in her nede/ For for benefetes & good tornes
doon to a man ought to gyue hym thankinges therfore/ And moche more
ought a man to repaye that Is lente hym in his nede/ But now in these
dayes many men by lenynge of their money haue made of their frendes
enemyes/ And herof speketh Domas the philosopher and sayth that my
frende borowed money of me/ And I haue lost my frende and my money
attones/ Ther was a marchant of Gene & also a chaungeour/ whos name was
Albert gauor/ And this albert was a man of grete trouth and loyaulte/
for on a tyme ther was a man cam to hym and said & affermed that he had
delyueryd in to his banke .v. honderd floryns of gold to kepe whiche was
not trouth for he lyed/ whyche fyue honderd floryns the said Albert
knewe not of/ ner coude fynde in all hys bookes ony suche money to hym
due And this lyar coude not brynge no wytnessis/ but began to braye.
crye and deffame the said albert And than this Albert callid to hym this
marcha[=u]t and sayd/ Dere frende take here v. honderd florins whyche
thou affermest and sayst that thou hast deliuerid to me And forthwyth
tolde hem and toke hem to hym And lo this good man had leuer to lose his
good than his good name and renome And this other marchant toke these
florins that he had wrongfully receyuyd/ and enployed them in diuerce
marchandise in so moche that he gate and encresid and wan with them .xv.
thousand florins And whan he sawe that he approchid toward his deth/ and
that he had no children He establisshid albert his heyr in alle thingis
And sayd that with the .v. honderd florins that he had receyuyd of
albert falsely/ he had goten all y't he had in the world And thus by
dyuyne pourueance he that had be a theef fraudelent/ was made afterward
a trewe procurour and attorney of the sayd albert/ But now in this dayes
ther ben marcha[=u]s that do marchandise with other mens money whiche is
taken to hem to kepe/ And whan they ben requyred to repaye hit they haue
no shame to denye hit appertly/ wherof hit happend that ther was a
marchant whyche had a good & grete name and renome of kepynge well suche
thynges as was delyuery