well prouffitable/ but hit was not
Iuste/ how be hit y'e may reuolue hit in your mynde/ And the counceyll
that he sayd was this/ that ther were comen two grete shippis fro
lacedome and were arryued in theyr londe. And that hit were good to take
them/ And whan the counceyll herde hym that sayde/ that hit was not
Iuste ner right/ they lefte hem alle in pees And wold not haue adoo with
alle/ The vicarye or Iuge of the kynge ought to be so Iuste/ that he
shold employe alle his entente to saue the comyn wele And yf hit were
nede to put his lyf and/ lose hit therfore/ we haue an ensample of
marcus regulus wherof Tullius reherceth in the book of offices And saynt
Augustyn also de ciuitate dei/ how he faught agayn them of cartage by
see in shippis and was vaynquysshid and taken/ Than hit happend that
they of cartage sente hymm in her message to rome for to haue theyr
prisoners there/ for them y'e were taken/ and so to cha[=u]ge one for an
other And made hym swere and promyse to come agayn/ And so he cam to
rome And made proposicion tofore the senate And demanded them of cartage
of the senatours to be cha[=u]ged as afore is sayd And than the senatours
demanded hym what counceyll he gaf Certayn sayd he I co[=u]ceyll yow that
y'e do hit not in no wise For as moche as the peple of rome that they of
cartage holde in prison of youris ben olde men and brusid in the warre
as I am my self/ But they that y'e holde in prison of their peple is alle
the flour of alle their folke/ whiche counceyll they toke/ And than his
frendes wolde haue holde hym and counceyllyd hym to abide there and not
retorne agayn prysoner in to cartage/ but he wold neuer doo so ner
abide/ but wold goo agayn and kepe his oth How well that he knewe that
he went toward his deth For he had leuyr dye than to breke his oth
Valeri9 reherceth in the sixth book of one Emelye duc of the romayns/
that in the tyme whan he had assieged the phalistes/ The scole maystre
of the children deceyuyd the children of the gentilmen that he drewe hym
a lityll and a lytyll vnto the tentys of the romayns by fayr speche. And
sayd to the duc Emelie/ that by the moyan of the children that he had
brought to hym/ he shold haue the cyte/ For theyr faders were lordes and
gouernours. Whan Emelie had herde hym he sayd thus to hym Thou that art
euyll and cruell And thou that woldest gyue a gyfte of grete felonnye
and of mauuastye/ thou shalt ner hast not founden here Duc ne peple that
resembleth the/ we