, &c. Second enlarged edition. Bound, 75 cts.
=Douglas, Dr. J. S.=, Homoeopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fevers.
1853, 38 cts.
=Dudgeon's= Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Homoeopathy.
Delivered at the Hahnemann Hospital School of Homoeopathy, by R. E.
Dudgeon, M.D. Manchester, 1854. Bound, (565 pages) $2.50.
=Gollmann, Wm.= M.D., The Homoeopathic Guide, in all Diseases of the
Urinary and Sexual Organs, including the derangements caused by Onanism
and Sexual Excesses; and accompanied by an Appendix on the use of
Electro-Magnetism in the Treatment of these diseases. Translated with
Additions by Ch. J. Hempel. 1855. Bound, $1.50.
=Guernsey, Dr. Egbert=, The Gentleman's Hand-Book of Homoeopathy;
especially for travellers, and for Domestic Practice. 1855. Bound, 75
=Hahnemann, Dr. Samuel=, The lesser Writings of, collected and
translated by R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. With a Preface and Notes by E. E.
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_Master_-mind." R. E. DUDGEON, M.D.
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Hempel, M.D. 4 vols. Bound, $6.00.
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with a Preface by C. Hering, M.D., 5 vols. Bound, $7.00.
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