nt, postpaid, upon receipt of price, by_
=3 and 5 West 18th Street, New York=
Justus . Perthes' . Geographical . Institute
Publishers, Gotha (Germany)
* * * * *
Sydow-Habenicht's Wall Maps
1. Maps of the world (Eastern and Western Hemispheres,
Mercator Chart, North and South Pole Charts).
2. Europe.
3. Asia.
4. Australia and Polynesia.
5. Africa.
6. North America.
7. South America.
8. Germany and adjoining countries.
9. Austria-Hungary.
10. The Balkan Peninsula.
11. Italy.
12. The Iberian Peninsula.
13. France.
14. The British Isles.
15. The Scandinavian Peninsula.
16. Russia.
=Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12=--Size, 65 x 80 inches--each in 12 loose
sheets, =$4.50=. Mounted on linen in portfolio, each, =$6.50=. Mounted
on linen with rollers, each, =$8.00=. Mounted on linen with rollers and
varnished, each, =$9.00=.
=Nos. 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15=--Size, 56 x 66 inches--each in 9
loose sheets, =$3.50=. Mounted on linen in portfolio, each, =$5.50=.
Mounted on linen with rollers, each, =$7.00=. Mounted on linen with
rollers and varnished, each, =$8.00=.
=The Sydow-Habenicht Wall Maps are universally acknowledged by all
authorities to be THE best in existence.=
* * * * *
Dr. Herm. Berghaus'
Chart of the World
Showing the Sea Currents and Wind Zones, the Variation of the Magnetic
Needle, the Condition of Floating Icebergs, the Telegraphic Cables round
the Earth, the Regular Line of Steamers, Principal Overland Routes, Most
Important Sailing-Vessel Tracks, etc.
=12TH EDITION, 1897=
=Completely Revised by H. Habenicht and B. Domann=
Size, 40 x 62 inches
=PRICES:= Mounted on linen with polished rods and rings. =$7.50=
Mounted on linen with polished rods and rings, varnished. =8.25=
Mounted on linen, folded in cloth case (8x10). =7.50=
Mounted on linen, folded in leather case (8x10). =9.00=
=3 & 5 West 18th Street NE