ore it. These resurrections were so famous through all
the country, and made so great impressions on the souls of the
inhabitants, that the people came thronging from all parts to behold the
great Father, and to receive baptism from his hands; insomuch, that the
whole kingdom of Travancore was Subjected to Christ Jesus in few months;
and the king, with some few of his chief courtiers, were the only
remaining idolaters in the land, by a terrible judgment of Almighty God,
who sometimes abandons princes to their unruly passions, and departs from
the great, while he communicates himself to those of the lowest quality.
_He writes into Europe for a supply of missioners. The saint's letter to
the doctors of Sorbonne. Ambassadors from the isle of Manar to the saint.
He sends a missioner to the isle of Manar. The constancy of the
Christians of Manar. A miraculous cross, and its effects. The enterprise
of Xavier against the persecutor. New motives for his journey to Cambaya.
He persuades Michael Vaz to go to Portugal. His letter to the king of
Portugal. The success of the voyage undertaken by Michael Vaz. He
converts a debauched Portuguese. He engages the viceroy of the Indies to
make war on the king of Jafanatapan. Divers predictions of the saint. He
goes to join the Portuguese fleet, and raises one from the dead. He frees
the island of Manar from the plague. The enterprise of Jafanatapan
defeated. He designs the voyage of Macassar, and the conversion of many
kingdoms. He goes to the sepulchre of St Thomas, to consult God
concerning his voyage to Macassar. What happened to him in his passage to
Meliapor. He comes to Meliapor; the monuments which he there finds of the
apostle St Thomas. He is threatened by devils, and afterwards beaten by
them. He learns the will of God concerning his design. The conversions
which he makes at Meliapor. He brings a great sinner to repentance.
Divers wonderful events which encrease his fame. He persuades a rich
merchant to evangelical perfection. The new convert falls from grace, and
becomes suspected to the Saint. His charity to a soldier, who had lost
all his money at play. He arrives at Malacca; a digression concerning it.
In what condition he found the town, and what he did in order to reform
it. He labours with success at Malacca. He revives a dead maid. He
receives letters from Europe by the new missioners who are sent him. He
defers the