m the
end of the lake. The parties found 10 or 12 scattering houses and a
number of large cornfields on and near the stream that falls into the
lake. After burning several fields of corn and houses they discovered
the town, 3 miles from the lake, on the above mentioned stream, which
contained 25 houses and is called Coreorgonel[161] and is the capital
of a small nation or tribe. My party was employed from 9 till sunset
in destroying the town and corn. I expected to have met Col. Butler
with his party at this town.
Sept. 25.--Marched at sunrise for Catherine's Town, where I was
ordered to join the main army. Proceeded a due west course over a
very rough, mountainous country 18 miles, and at 4 o'clock reached the
town, but the army was gone forward. Advanced 6 miles in what is
called the Bear Swamp and encamped.
Sept. 26.--Marched at sunrise and at 12 o'clock joined the main army
at Kanawalahola which is 4 miles from where we fought the enemy on the
29th of August. The army had a day of rejoicing here in consequence
from the news of Spain.
Sept. 27.--Some detachments were sent up the Teago river to destroy
such houses and corn fields as they might find.
Sept. 28.--The same parties that were sent out yesterday were sent
again further up the river to destroy a Tory settlement which was
discovered yesterday, and a large detachment was sent off to complete
the destruction of the corn, &c., at and about New Town. At 12 o'clock
Col. Butler and his party arrived in Camp. In their route round the
lake they destroyed several towns and a vast quantity of corn.
[155] This hamlet appears to have been located on the farm of Thomas
Shankwiller, near the south-east corner of lot 15 in the town of
Fayette, Seneca County, probably on Sucker brook.
[156] A town of ten houses, located on the west bank of Cayuga lake at
the north-east corner of the town of Fayette, in Seneca County, about
a mile and a half from present Canoga village. Destroyed Sept. 21,
[157] SKANNAYUTENATE, a small village located about forty rods from
the shore of the lake, on the south bank of Canoga creek, about half a
mile north-east of present Canoga village. On the north bank of the
creek, between the site of the old Indian town and the north and south
road passing through Canoga, is said to be the birth-place of the
renowned Seneca orator, Sagoyewatha or Red Jacket. Destroyed Sept. 21,
[158] NEWTOWN--An Indian village o