by the same
mind, for they are mutually exclusive: either one makes the other
meaningless. And as the popular geology is the foundation of the
Evolution theory, so does the latter render useless and incredible what
the Bible calls "that blessed hope," the second coming of Christ and the
purification of the earth by fire.
2. The mockers here described certainly talk exactly like our modern
_uniformitarians_; for they argue that "from the days that the fathers
fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the
creation." They imply that in the days of "the fathers" some people were
foolish enough to believe differently; but since they "fell asleep" we
have learned better. It should also be carefully noted that their theory
of uniformity stretches back, not to the _close_ of Creation, but to
"the _beginning_ of the Creation." Plainly, then, _Creation itself is
embraced in their scheme of absolute uniformity_; and according to their
view all distinction is smoothed out between Creation and the present
perpetuation of the world by second causes. How could we ask for a more
accurate word picture of the modern popular doctrines of the
evolutionists and their characteristic methods of reasoning than is here
given us by an inspired prophecy nearly two thousand years ago?
The call of the hour to the Church of Christ is for a renewed confidence
in that Guide Book which she has brought with her down the centuries. As
her Divine Lord went away, He commissioned her to carry His good
tidings to all peoples; and so long as she remained true to this
commission and to her instruction book, the world's cunning sophistries
could not deceive her, nor could the cruel power of a world empire
stifle her voice. And now when her absent Lord is about to return again,
it surely behooves her to set her house in order, and to return with
candor and fidelity to that written code of instruction left with her by
her departing Master.
For the old-time friends of the Bible, the night of darkness and doubt
is rapidly passing; the morning of a fuller knowledge and a fuller
confidence is at hand. Gone are those agonies of doubt regarding the
truthfulness of the Bible's history and the adequacy of its ethics for
the needs of our modern world. Abandoned forever are all those futile
attempts at compromise, in a vain and painful endeavor to translate the
record of Creation into the language of a pseudo-science now rapidly