oes off to take charge of the new one.
Another and greater example: Y and Son are large coal-traders, with
mines and factories of their own. How is so huge and complex a
property to be liquidated? The mines and everything connected with
them might, in the first place, be bought up by the State, in which
they are situated. In the second place, the Jewish Company might take
them over, paying for them partly in land, partly in cash. A third
method might be the conversion of "Y and Son" into a limited company.
A fourth method might be the continued working of the business under
the original proprietors, who would return at intervals to inspect
their property, as foreigners, and as such, under the protection of
law in every civilized State. All these suggestions are carried out
daily. A fifth and excellent method, and one which might be
particularly profitable, I shall merely indicate, because the existing
examples of its working are at present few, however ready the modern
consciousness may be to adopt them. Y and Son might sell their
enterprise to the collective body of their employees, who would form a
cooperative society, with limited liability, and might perhaps pay the
requisite sum with the help of the State Treasury, which does not
charge high interest.
The employees would then gradually pay off the loan, which either the
Government or the Jewish Company, or even Y and Son, would have
advanced to them.
The Jewish Company will be prepared to conduct the transfer of the
smallest affairs equally with the largest. And whilst the Jews quietly
emigrate and establish their new homes, the Company acts as the great
controlling body, which organizes the departure, takes charge of
deserted possessions, guarantees the proper conduct of the movement
with its own visible and tangible property, and provides permanent
security for those who have already settled.
What assurance will the Company offer that the abandonment of
countries will not cause their impoverishment and produce economic
I have already mentioned that honest Anti-Semites, whilst preserving
their independence, will combine with our officials in controlling the
transfer of our estates.
But the State revenues might suffer by the loss of a body of
taxpayers, who, though little appreciated as citizens, are highly
valued in finance. The State should, therefore, receive compensation
for this loss. This we offer indirectl