g Captain Douglas to remark:
"Look here, old chap, one would be apt to imagine that _you_ were deeply
smitten were they now to get a glimpse of your face."
Mr. Howe smiled.
"Yes," continued Charles Douglas, "her ladyship is to marry her cousin,
Gerald Bereford, shortly after her arrival in England."
This was certainly a new aspect of affairs. Mr. Howe now viewed the
matter in another light, yet he could not heartily respond. Vainly he
strove to banish these thoughts, silently murmuring "poor Trevelyan!"
We now arrive at the period when many changes are about to take place.
The gayest and most gallant regiment ever stationed in Fredericton was
under orders to be in readiness for departure. This was a source of much
regret to the citizens, who shared in the extravagant scenes of gaiety
so lavishly furnished. The sportsmen of Fredericton lamented the fact
with deep regret. We cannot let this opportunity pass to relate an
incident showing to what excess horse racing was carried in those days.
Captain H----, an officer of the above named regiment, a true sporting
character, owned a stud of the best thorough-breds in America. He
annually spent an immense income in horse racing and various sports. In
the meantime there lived in the city of St. John a coachman named Larry
Stivers. If ever any individual sacrificed his entire heart and soul to
the management, training and nature of horses, it was the self same
Larry. Though possessed of limited means, no privation was too great in
order to gratify such demands. A race was finally agreed upon between
Captain H---- and this remarkable individual, which in the horse records
of New Brunswick has no precedent, the case being unparalleled at home
or abroad. One fine morning in March, 1826, the magnificent team of
horses, driven by the captain, made its appearance in the market square,
St. John. After the lapse of a few moments a second team arrived and was
drawn up aside the former. No inquiry was made as to the ownership of
the latter. Everybody recognized it as the turnout of Larry Stivers. But
the most remarkable feature of the proceeding, that excited curiosity,
was the slight construction of the sleighs. It could scarcely be
conceived that they would stand the trying test of the proposed race.
But they did. Each driver having purchased a bundle of whips, jumped
into his seat. The word was given. Off they went at full speed, going
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