up the Feast?
There may very well be, and no doubt but there is, in most
Conversation, a great deal of that which shou'd never be there; and
this is what one cannot wholly avoid without leaving the World. But
can this be reason why we must let People make to themselves new and
needless Occasions of Vanity, and lay dangerous snares in the way of
unwary People? I shou'd rather think the Argument lay; that since
there were so many faults, in all parts of the World and divertion of
life, Men shou'd not look out for more of this Trash to offend their
Company with, and foment the Disease, but get clear away from all the
Infection they cou'd, and lay in a Stock of such agreeable and wholsom
provisions, as might enable them to treat others with Safety and Ease,
and sometimes to correct the ill humours they found.
But then they must not go to such _Books_ and prescriptions for these,
as are full of the leaven they shou'd put out from amongst them, and
can serve for nothing else but to poyson their Food: To converse with
Impiety here, is to give it all the advantage they can, it is to
surrender the Mind entirely up to whatever assaults it, without being
able to save so much as a stragling thought. For they whose _Closets_
are fill'd with nothing but these, do not even pretend to resist the
force they call in, and a good Book standing idly by, will be little
security, against the strong Delusions of those they read with
concent: And therefore they who wou'd have their own virtue preserved,
and see more in the World, must not only avoid ill commerce abroad,
but reject it at home, and employ their Retirements in preparing
themselves to appear in publick without danger, and to some kind of
This care, I am sure, of our selves, and this Compassion one of
another, God and Nature and the Gospel require; and how much or how
little soever others may be affected at this, you Sir, I dare say,
will think best of your self, when you tread most in the steps of your
_Saviour_, and like him, _go about doing good_: When you relieve the
Afflicted, assist your Neighbours, and comfort your Friends; when you
please and benefit those that desire to hear you, and Reverence and
Kindness and Truth, are the Law of your Tongue. When a meek and quiet
Spirit adorns you, and Piety gives the grace to your looks, when your
Religious Example shines so lovely and clear, as to draw those after
you, to whom it shews the beautiful way, and Vanity has not