excellent pretty company, so pleasant,
ingenious, and harmless, I cannot desire better. They gone we to bed, my
mind in great present ease.
12th. Up, and in my yesterday's new suit to the Duke of Albemarle, and
after a turne in White Hall, and then in Westminster Hall, returned, and
with my taylor bought some gold lace for my sleeve hands in Pater Noster
Row. So home to dinner, and then to the office, and down the River to
Deptford, and then back again and to my Lord Treasurer's, and up and
down to look after my Tangier business, and so home to my office, then
to supper and to bed. The Duke of Yorke is sent for last night and
expected to be here to-morrow.
13th. Up and to the office, where all the morning doing business. At
noon with Sir G. Carteret to my Lord Mayor's to dinner, where much
company in a little room, and though a good, yet no extraordinary table.
His name, Sir John Lawrence, whose father, a very ordinary old man, sat
there at table, but it seems a very rich man. Here were at table
three Sir Richard Brownes, viz.: he of the Councill, a clerk, and the
Alderman, and his son; and there was a little grandson also Richard, who
will hereafter be Sir Richard Browne. The Alderman did here openly tell
in boasting how he had, only upon suspicion of disturbances, if there
had been any bad newes from sea, clapped up several persons that he was
afeard of; and that he had several times done the like and would do, and
take no bail where he saw it unsafe for the King. But by and by he said
that he was now sued in the Exchequer by a man for false imprisonment,
that he had, upon the same score, imprisoned while he was Mayor four
years ago, and asked advice upon it. I told him I believed there was
none, and told my story of Field, at which he was troubled, and said
that it was then unsafe for any man to serve the King, and, I believed,
knows not what to do therein; but that Sir Richard Browne, of the
Councill, advised him to speak with my Lord Chancellor about it. My Lord
Mayor very respectfull to me; and so I after dinner away and found Sir
J. Minnes ready with his coach and four horses at our office gate, for
him and me to go out of towne to meet the Duke of Yorke coming from
Harwich to-night, and so as far as Ilford, and there 'light. By and by
comes to us Sir John Shaw and Mr. Neale, that married the rich widow
Gold, upon the same errand. After eating a dish of creame, we took
coach again, hearing nothing of the Duke