disorderly caste
had wasted the public finances without rendering an account to any
one, occasionally even without rendering it to themselves. All these
statements must be believed, because it is the Count de Rayneval who
makes them.
Before proceeding, I maintain that this state of things, now admitted
by the apologists of the Papacy, justifies all the discontent of the
subjects of the Pope, all their complaints, all their recriminations,
all their outbreaks previous to 1846.
But let me ask this question. Is it true that, since 1846, the Papal
Government has ceased to be the worst in Europe?
If you can show me a worse, I will go and announce the discovery at
Rome, and I rather fancy I shall considerably astonish the Romans.
Is the absolute authority of the Papacy limited in any way but by the
individual virtues of the Pope? No.
Does the Constitution of 1848, or the _Motu Proprio_ of 1849, set
limits to this authority? No. The first has been torn up, the second
never observed.
Has the Pope renounced his title of administrator, or irresponsible
guardian of the patrimony of Catholicism? Never.
Is the management of public affairs exclusively in the hand of
prelates? As much so as ever.
Are the higher posts in the State still by law interdicted to laymen?
Not by law, but in fact they are.
Are the different powers still confounded in practice? More so than
they ever were. The governors of cities act as judges, and the bishops
as public administrators.
Has the Pope abandoned any portion of his infallibility as to worldly
matters? None whatever.
Has he deprived himself of the right of overruling the decisions of
the Courts of Appeal? No.
Has the Cardinal Secretary of State ceased to be a reigning Minister?
He reigns as absolutely as ever; and the other ministers are more like
footmen than clerks to him. They may be seen any morning waiting in
his antechamber.
Is there a Council of Ministers? Yes, whereat the Ministers attend to
receive the Cardinal's orders.
Are the public finances publicly administered? No.
Does the nation vote the taxes, or are they taken from the nation? The
old system still exists.
Are municipal liberties at all extended? They were greater in 1816
than they are at present.
At the present day, as in the days of the most extreme pontifical
despotism, the Pope is all in all; he has all; he can do all; he
exercises a perpetual dictatorship, without control or limit.